Subject: Re: DUOTEST kernel
To: None <>
From: Daishi Kato <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/08/1999 21:06:55
At 0:44 PM +0100 1999.11.8, wrote:
> usually it hangs at "ncrscsi0 at obio0", sometimes it hangs at "adb0
> at obio0".
Do I need to make SBC version? I don't know.
maybe later...
> with normal console i usually get this:
> mrg: 'Mac II class ROMs' ROM glue, tracing off, debug off, silent
> traps
In my case, it is
mrg: '2nd Powerbook class ROMs' ROM glue, ......
There seems an entry of "Duo 270C ROMs" which does not used.
We need somebody to help us about this.
> this machine is a duo 270c with MacOS 7.5.5, 8MB ram, 250 MB
> scsi-disc, no internal modem and no dock attached.
What is the machine id ? (in the booter)
It should be 77.
> Daishi, please tell me what version of MacOS are you using, since it
> ssems to make a big difference.
I'm using MacOS 7.5.3.