Subject: Equipment Donation
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/03/1999 01:18:24
Ok, so I just got back from an auction where I work...
I picked up several 68k macs (for $1 each) and would like to part with
at least several of them. I can think of nobody better to offer them to
than the NetBSD/Mac68k project.
Several of them are in a working state, many of them are not (ie missing
ram, HDD, or Video cards).
Here is what I have got:
9 MacIIcx's
1 MacIIci
7 MacIIsi's
1 Q605 in a very bad state (no VRAM, cut fan power cable, cut speaker cable,
no HDD, no RAM, 68LC040, no hdd )
1 MacIIvx in an almost equally bad state (no VRAM, no ram, no hdd)
In addition to all the above I have several NuBUS video and ethernet cards.
Oh and I have one MacIIfx which I may want to part with (I have to pick it
up in the morning, my car was full of the above.)
I don't have any keyboards, mice or monitors for any of them. I do have some
RAM for for them. Some have it installed, some do not. Most SIMMs are 1Mb.
I would be perfectly happy to donate the lot (or pieces) to someone working
on the NetBSD/Mac68k project, but I don't want to ship any of it, since that
would cost $$.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and if someone can either arrange
to pick up what they want, or pay for the shipping that would be great.
If anyone is interested in something please email me and I can more accurately
inventory the item(s) for you. Or you can call me at home in the evenings
(after 6pm Pacific Time) at (650) 365-9134.
Michael F. Hogsett