Subject: RE: The Centris almost boots
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/10/1999 11:35:32
On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, Steve Revilak wrote:
> / System Config =================
> /
> / Centris 650 16Mb RAM, external SCSI=4, 2x CD,
> / and Mirror Portrait monitor on built-in video
> / (Sonic ethernet and 2nd NuBus video card present but unused).
> / Running System 7.1.3 off internal Quantum 250 at SCSI=2.
> / Running System 8 on external Conner 500 at SCSI=0.
> / Install NetBSD on external Quantum 750 at SCSI=4.
They're not both at SCSI 4 are they?
> /NetBSD/Mac68k Installer v1.16 ==============
> /
> /(from
> /reports "Build Devices" success and
> / sd2a: Root 'Root file system' at 96 size 502412
> / sd2g: Usr 'NetBSD Usr' at 578454 size 800088
> / sd2b: Swap 'Swap' at 502508 size 75946
> / sd2d: HFS_PART 'MacOS' at 1378542 size 52975
> / sd2e: Other (APPLE_FREE) 'Extra' at 1431517 size 1
> That looks like a legal number of partitions.
> / > mkdir /usr
> / > mount /dev/sd2g /usr [==> OK, stuff is all there, etc. ]
> / > fstab force [==> "Successfully created etc/fstab."]
> Okay, you did that.
> / > ls sbin/init
> / 18260 -r-xr--r-- 1 0 172032 Jun 29 21:27 sbin/init
> We know init is there. Init's useful to have around... :-)
> / I don't have a verbatim report for the messages after the kernel
> / is entered but pertinent stuff may be as follows:
> Is the kernel on a mac partition or the netbsd partition?
> / probe (esp0:1:1) SENSE KEY illegal request, ASC/ASCQ not supported.
> / ite @ grfl not configured grf0 at mainbus
> esp is the SCSI driver.....
> / macvid 640 x 480, monochrome
> Interesting that the V dimension was switched (from 870).
> /
> / grf1 at macvid0
> / ite at grf1 not configured
> /
> / boot device sd2
> / root on sd2a dumps on sd2b
> / warning: no /dev/console
> / init: not found
The "warning: no /dev/console" message means you forgot to build devices.
You'll need to do that (which you can do from the installer) before
proceeding further.
> The SCSI error has me wondering. From what you've given, it's looking
> for the right partition -- but apparently it's having a problem reading
> it. (e.g. - you've shown a line from the installer listing init).
> There's a few other lines I'd question as well but I'll hold off because
> I'm not sure I could add anything really useful.
> As far as getting boot messages, under netbsd they're logged to
> /var/log/messages. the command "dmesg" will also show most of that
> information. Otherwise, the only way to log them that I'm aware of is
> to a serial console.
Actually serial echo is better. Serial console makes the system use the
serial port as the main console, while serial echo will leave the console
at the keyboard/video, but echo everything out to the printer port.
If you have an HP inkjet printer, just enable serial echo, set the printer
port to "raw" defaults, and set the default baud rate to 57600. The echo
messages will show up on the printer. :-)
Take care,