Subject: RE: ...
To: None <>
From: Ben Zeller <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/30/1999 16:15:05
At 2:03 PM -0700 8/30/99, David A. Gatwood wrote:
>On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, Erin Corliss (Volt Computer) wrote:
>> The peculiar thing is, the machine plays the death chimes even if I pull out
>> all the SIMMs (there is 1 meg on the motherboard) and disconnect everything
>> but the video/power and the speaker.  I think the solution might be just to
>> shell out the $20 for a new system and blame it on static electricity...
>It's probably reserving the 1 meg for video memory, and finding that
>there's no more RAM....  Just a guess.

The RAM on the board of a SE* is vram, not standard ram at all.  If there
isn't at least one set of four equal simms in one of the two banks on the
main board, you will indeed hear the chimes of death.
