Subject: Re: Building KDElibs problems
To: Sergey Ivanov <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/26/1999 23:26:32
On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, Sergey Ivanov wrote:

> In method `bool AddressBook::nameOfField(const class string
> &, class string &)':
> virtual memory exhausted
> gmake[2]: *** [addressbook.lo] Error 1

You're probably running into your shells per-process limit. You can
view the limits with 'ulimit -a', for Bourne style shells, or 'limit',
with [t]csh. I up the datasize and locked memory size as follows, and
I haven't run into that error for a long time...

In ~./bashrc

ulimit -d 49152
ulimit -l 24576

and in ~/.cshrc

limit datasize 49152
limit memorylocked 32768

You could also use the keyword 'unlimited' instead of a number, for
either shell.