Subject: Re: Cross-assembler for Mac
To: None <>
From: Chris Brown <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/26/1999 21:13:04
On Thu, Aug 26, 1999 at 02:42:30PM -0400, Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D. wrote:
> >Having said that, I could set up a Mac cross deveopment environment which
> >might take a while because of our time constraints. Ideally, if a package,
> >or some other easily available form of cross development environment
> >exists I could probably have a Mac version in a day or so.
> >
> I have never set up a package before, but I need to learn how anyway!
I just took a peek at pkgsrc: in /usr/pkgsrc/cross there are several
cross-development environments, one of which is netbsd-ppc. I would look at
that, maybe duplicate the directory tree and change a few of the defines to
appropriate values for netbsd-mac68k, and see if you can get it to build.
I have no clues after that, but it might save you some time.
Chris Brown -- Macintosh networking/Web development
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