Subject: Re: Hardware Upgrades for MacIIci
To: None <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/20/1999 06:55:52
On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 12:43:10 -0400, Andy Finnell <> wrote:
> I have a MacIIci that I would like to upgrade.  I've already upgraded
> the hard drive and RAM ( from 8/360 to 68/2gig ), but I would like to
> upgrade the processor and get an ethernet card.
> I found a list of working ethernet cards on, so I think I
> know what I'm looking for.  However, where can I look to buy one?  About
> how much should it cost?  I'll be connecting to my school's 10-BaseT network.
> I also found a list of working accelerator cards.  The document
> mentioned that machines with 030 processors might have trouble with 040
> upgrades.  Is this still true?  Also, I'm having a little trouble
> locating someone who sells accelerators for old macs.  Any tips?

If you really want an 040 upgrade, maybe you should consider upgrading
the logic board (or even the whole box) to Quadra 700.  You won't be
able to reuse the 30-pin SIMMs in your IIci, but it's just 8Meg.
Besides, I don't know if you can find *any* 30-pin SIMMs that easily
these days.  It will be much easier to find 72-pin SIMMs.

Also, as a bonus, a logic board upgrade automatically comes with an
on-board Ethernet.
