Subject: Re: Hardware Upgrades for MacIIci
To: <>
From: Denny <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/19/1999 17:51:39
on 8/19/99 4:55 p Ken Nakata digitized the following   ; ^)      &

>If you really want an 040 upgrade, maybe you should consider upgrading
>the logic board (or even the whole box) to Quadra 700.  You won't be
>able to reuse the 30-pin SIMMs in your IIci, but it's just 8Meg.
>Besides, I don't know if you can find *any* 30-pin SIMMs that easily
>these days.  It will be much easier to find 72-pin SIMMs.
>Also, as a bonus, a logic board upgrade automatically comes with an
>on-board Ethernet.

Q 700 uses 30 pin simms !