Subject: Hardware Upgrades for MacIIci
To: NetBSD/mac68k <>
From: Andy Finnell <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/19/1999 12:43:10
I have a MacIIci that I would like to upgrade.  I've already upgraded
the hard drive and RAM ( from 8/360 to 68/2gig ), but I would like to
upgrade the processor and get an ethernet card.

I found a list of working ethernet cards on, so I think I
know what I'm looking for.  However, where can I look to buy one?  About
how much should it cost?  I'll be connecting to my school's 10-BaseT network.

I also found a list of working accelerator cards.  The document
mentioned that machines with 030 processors might have trouble with 040
upgrades.  Is this still true?  Also, I'm having a little trouble
locating someone who sells accelerators for old macs.  Any tips?

