Subject: Re: Basilisk II and native 68k emulation!
To: Nathan Raymond <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/19/1999 06:56:31
On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, Nathan Raymond wrote:

> I was just taking a look at Basilisk II -
> This emulator can actually run software on a native 68k processor on 
> systems that have one - this means it may be possible to run the 
> MacOS inside NetBSD in X Windows at near full speed!  All we need is 
> pthreads, it looks like:
>    Unix (tested under Linux, Solaris 2.5, FreeBSD 3.x and IRIX 6.5):
>    You need X11R4, pthreads support and GNU make. To use the GUI preferences
>    editor, you also need GTK+ version 1.2 or better. On Linux, you need
>    glibc 2.0 or better.
> Does anyone have any ideas when pthreads 68k will be available?

The package system has a devel/mit-pthreads, devel/gmake, and x11/gtk.
Can you build it with those?