Subject: Re: pfdisk/pdisk (was Re: trying to disklabel and newfs sd1)
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: David A. Gatwood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/18/1999 11:28:02
On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Frederick Bruckman wrote:

> > $ pdisk -l /dev/sd0c
> "Archie" turned up some missing links under distributions/mklinux, but
> the source for pdisk can still be found on sunsite under linux-ppc.

The canonical source is, AFAIK, still

> Does pdisk let you edit partitions, or create them on a blank disk?

Both.  You can't resize partitions safely (well, you could, but it won't
fix the contents), but you can certainly delete and create partitions,
reodred the partition table, create a new partition table, etc.
