Subject: boot kernel wants ext2fs root filesystem
To: None <>
From: Konrad Schnetzler <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/13/1999 01:12:51
I have spent two long nights for installing first time MacBSD onto my
Quadra 840av.
First, i have tried the version 1.4.
With Mkfs_1.45 I created a Swap and a RootAndUsr Partition an formatted
Root partition with an UFS 4.3 filesystem.
With the Installation Utility Ver. 1.1g I have installed base.tgz,
etc.tgz and kern.tgz.
I try to boot with the Booter Ver. 1.11.3.
But during the boot process i get allways the following errors:

root file system type : ext2fs
warning: lookup /dev/console: error 20
exec /sbin/init: error 20
exec /sbin/oinit: error 20
exec /sbin/init.bak: error 20
init: not found
panic: no init
Stopped in init at    _Debugger+0x6:   unlk   a6

I think, that there ist a correct ufs root filesystem on the disk, but
binary installed kernel from kern.tgz needs an ext2fs because it is
hard coded in this distribution of kern.tgz. Right ?

When I try the same with the binary distribution of MacBSD 1.3.3
the kernel mounts the root filesystem correct with the message:

root file system type: ffs

and boots up. Hurray !!!

Is there somewhere a 1.4 binary Kernel that boots up from a ffs/ufs
root filesystem ??
May I patch the 1.4 kernel I allready downloaded so that it mounts
a ffs/ufs root filesystem ?

HB9WAD, Konrad Schnetzler,