Subject: Serial Question, cu
To: None <>
From: Sean J. Schluntz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/12/1999 09:11:04
I have been trying to get to the internal modem in the laptop using
'cu' but have not been able to.

First, I am doing this as root, then I do a 'cu -l /dev/tty00 -s 57600 dir'
and I get:

cu: Stale lock /var/spool/lock/LCK..tty00 held by process 210 created 
1999-09-12 07:59:00

And then it does not accept anything, ATZ, ATA and ATDT dont' respond anything, and it does not dial.  I have tried 9600, 19200, 33600, 57600 and have
tried ports /dev/tty00 and /dev/tty01 but still nothing.  I know the modem
works under MacOS.

I do have the BSDBooter opening the ports before NetBSD starts because of 
problem with laptops.

Any suggestions?

conversion to a PB Duo 21(3?)00 when/if/ever the NetBSD/ppc tree supports the 601 chip. -Sean >I'm despiratly wanting to run BSD on my Powerbook 520, I've got it >running on an SE/30 just fine, I just want a bit more speed :) > >Now I know since it's got the 'LC040 that it's not really usable with it >right now. I know there were full '040 upgrades for them at one time, it >even states it in all the horribly outdated ( :/ ) FAQ's. So I've spent >the last month or two looking for one to no avail. No one seems to have >one warming a shelf anywhere. > >What I want to know is, Is there someplace that can upgrade my >daughtercard (remove the LC and replace it) with a full '040 for less >then $300? Or even more $$? > >Possibly someone out there knows where I can get one so I can get this >running in BSD. > >(Man those salesmen cant pelieve when I say I want a 68k upgrade instead >of a PPC ;) > >Chris - Who is sorry is this is off-topic