Subject: Re: Inverse Color XServer for Mac68k?
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: Sean J. Schluntz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/10/1999 09:48:37
In message <Pine.NEB.4.10.9908092345510.4027-100000@handy.localnet>, Frederick 
Bruckman writes:
>On Mon, 9 Aug 1999, Sean J. Schluntz wrote:
>> In message <>, Ryan
> Or
>> dway writes:
>> >
>> >	What bit depth are you trying to use? From what I recall 8-bit
>> >color isn't quite supported, and the colors will look pretty funky. :-)
>> Hmm, I'm doing this on a PowerBook 540c (with an upgraded processor board 
>> so it is a full '040.)  Unfortunatly this system can't do better than 8bpp.
>Well, you could use 8-bit grayscale, unless you like the funny colors
>better. :-)

Heh, you are right.  Grayscale works just fine, I just pine for the days of my green dumb-term and like xterm to be -bg black -fg green.  But white on black will do ;)

>It might be possible to pre-load the color map by loading a desktop
>picture within MacOS. Just a theory, never tried it. A sepia
>photograph might work out acceptably.

Unfortunatly to keep the system footprint as small as possible I'm running the orriginal 7.1.2 that came with the pb540c so I would have to track down a utility to do that.  B&W will do for now until I can get a hold of a newer laptop that will do the 16bpp colors.

>Without intimate knowledge of the hardware, the best the server can do
>is offer 8-bit StaticColor (which it may misrepresent as PseudoColor,
>not sure). No matter what you call it, 256 colors is not enough for
>what most people consider "color". Grayscale is supposed to be static,
>256 grays being adequate for that, so at least 8-bit greyscale will
>provide the X apps with a visual mode they understand.

Well, in most cases 4bpp would work for me, it just makes things like the web look really bad (though I have been using lynx more recently because of it's speed.)  Thanks for the tip, grayscale it is.

BTW, do you know how to map the mouse?  I'm running mwm and should be able to bring up a menu off of the desktop (I thought) but can't figure out the key combonation.

Thanks again!
