Subject: Re: Inverse Color XServer for Mac68k?
To: Ken Nakata <>
From: Sean J. Schluntz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/10/1999 08:14:55
In message <>, Ken Nakata writes:
>On Mon, 09 Aug 1999 11:44:44 -0700, "Sean J. Schluntz" <> w
>> Hi, I have a strange problem.  I'm running the color Xserver from
>> on the 1.4
>> Sonic kernel.  X and FVWM or tdw both come up just fine, but all of
>> the colors are reversed!
>> It was strange, and very noticible if I try to pull up a web site.
>> Any ideas why I'm getting the reversed color?
>I've been told that's a bug in mozilla (isn't it what you're

It shows in other ways also. If all I have running is fvwm, twm or mwm and I start a 'xterm -bg -black -fg green' I get a black background with purple letters.  Black is the only color that does not seem to be reversed.  If I run Mosaic I also get the reversed colors. (And running Mosaic is much better than Mozilla as there is a 2 minute launch difference between the two :P

Also, the menues in fvwm2 and mwm are difficult to read in the strange colors they come up in (not a problem I have had before with other Xservers)
