Subject: RE: What do they all do?
To: Michael Maciolek <>
From: Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D. <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/05/1999 15:31:45
1)  Thanks everyone for the information you poured out about this!

Michael Maciolek wrote:

>This top-level document contains a list of various categories for all
>the NetBSD package sources, and each category lists the individual
>packages available, with a 1-line description of that package's
>function.  (and if you download and install the pkgsrc tarball, you
>get all the same browsable pkgsrc information right there on your
>local NetBSD system!)

This is especially valuable - is it in the FAQ? I didn't see it in my .ps
copy (I avoid html files because I have difficulty reading them).

3) Yes, I am aware of, and use, the "man" info (although it hadn't occurred
to me to use "man man"), but as someone pointed out, it is usually the
wrong direction since you want to know WHAT can do this more often than
what can THIS do!

  >Oh, and I'm sure that by "habitual terseness" you mean "admirable economy,"
  >right?   :o)

Well, it meant that back when we were pecking at ASR33's, but it's a shame
to waste the long file names available in Un*x!

Thanks again

Dan Killoran

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