Subject: Re: MacII -> MacIIfx
To: Riccardo Mottola <>
From: Bradley R. Smith <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/26/1999 11:58:45
According to IIfx support
is a "to do" in the "fun" list which apparently means lots of work.
The hard part probably comes from the IO processor architecture. The
IO processor deals with the serial ports and ADB? What else?
If there's video support but no ADB support then I suppose you could
telnet to it. Assuming it will boot at all.
Doesn't the IIfx use some kind of special RAM? It's not the same as
the II RAM. Perhaps it's not hard to get these days.
I bought a Quadra 700 on sale for $79 from (appears
to be broken at the moment; the website, not the Quadra) and it's
working great with 1.4.
How hard is it to order from the US from Italy? Where is the
difficulty? Is it just the shipping costs?

On 7/25/99 at 22:53, (Riccardo Mottola) wrote:

> Hello to all
> I have my trusty mac][, it works well in MacOS and in unix,
> but the BSD hard disk an IBM 330meg seems to be incompatible
> with the old scsi controller. Usual SCSI tips weren't
> successful, the disk works on a quadra and the resto of the
> HD's work fine.
> anyway, the question is: i can have my hands on a IIfx for
> about 60$, which is a very good price here in italy. if i get
> it, how far is IIfx development? what could work? i would put
> in the same video and ethernet card. probably the same disk
> with everything pre-installed. do SCSI and ethernet work? i
> could login from ethernet. of course if keyboard would
> work..... maybe serial ports, X... floppies... i mean, where
> is it? or do i better wait and keep my macII ?
> the other thing is it is difficult to find anything (used or
> new) else from 256k or 1mb simms for the macII. i had some 4
> megs (16mb total) but they worked on a IIci and not on my II.
> i suppose they were missing PAL
> and 8 megs aren't much for Mac or X
> ric
> PS: if you say to buy it and the thing is hallfway usable i am
> then ready to make tests and report things, but i don't want
> to spend that money (am a poor student) for a non-usable thing