Subject: MacOS system software problems? (yes, this is on topic)
To: port-mac68k <>
From: Ryan Ordway <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/25/1999 18:58:37
How dependent is NetBSD on the MacOS setting things up? I remember
back in the early days NetBSD needed the MacOS to setup alot of the
hardware before it could be properly used. I ask because I just tried
switching my system software on my Q900 to see if that could be causing any
of the UVM problems that I have been having. I had a piecemeal 7.6 system
installed before on a 20MB HFS partition on my 250MB hard disk, so I was
wondering if installing a "full" 7.5 system might fix my problems. Well,
now the system doesn't even make it as far as the copyright info.
I installed a 'minimal system for any macintosh' with the 7.5
installer disks. Should I try installing a full system, or should that
matter? I've booted systems with a Disk Tools system before and had no
problems... and that was pre-1.3.
This is with a Q900, 20MB RAM, 250MB hard disk at SCSI 0, MacCon
Nubus ethernet card, 4 port QuadraLink card, and the video card for my
Sigma Designs L-View monitor. This system has booted into multi-user
without any problems with the same configuration, just with the piece-meal
7.6 system rather than the now-7.5 system. So it's not a hardware problem
that I'm facing now.
I also have a 7.0.1 system available, as well as 7.6 (and the 7.6.1
update) I have a 7.5.2 CD and an 8.5 CD, but no CD drive to install with :-(
Any suggestions gladly accepted. :-)
HELO... my name is rewt... you have SIGKILLed my father... prepare to vi!