Subject: Re: INSTALL problem
To: vincent roukine <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/23/1999 14:04:17
On Fri, 23 Jul 1999, vincent roukine wrote:
> How can i repair my tgz's ? I downloaded them from the
> internet on my pc, and i sent them on my mac via the serial
> port. It seems to have the good size but INSTALL told me
> something about an unexpected end of file each time i tried
> to unpack them (install or zinstall)...
Check them on the PC. You'll have to repeat the part of the process which
messed up (either net -> PC or PC -> mac - obviously you have to repeat
the PC->mac step if the net -> PC step repeated). Chances are they got
downloaded in text mode, which means they are dammaged beyond repair.
How did you send them to the mac? I'd recomend a PC floppy...
> PS: Does anyone know where i can download a classic2
> compiled kernel ?
The normal one should work. If not, tell us. :-)
Take care,