Subject: Re: more on the QuadraLink
To: Ryan Ordway <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/22/1999 11:16:46
On Thu, 22 Jul 1999, Ryan Ordway wrote:
> I checked a little closer, and it seems that there are (at least)
> two versions of the QuadraLink serial port card that were made, one
> QuadraLink and the other the QuadraLink DMA. I'm not sure if mine is of the
> DMA variety, but there are definetely cards that are DMA capable.
> Unfortunately, I got this card (at least) second hand, so I don't know for
> sure whether or not it is a DMA version... does anyone know how to tell
> between the two? The card itself just says Applied Engineering QuadraLink,
> so I'm guessing it's just the vanilla non-DMA version... *pout*
From your other message,
> Zilog Z8523010PSC
Those are the serial port chips. The don't do on-chip DMA. So you have a
non-DMA version.
> Anyways, DMA or no, I would love to get support for this thing, so
> if Bill S. or anyone else needs any info on it I'd be happy to help. :-)
It needs me & Jason getting time to bash on the 8530 driver so that it can
support multiple attachment types. I think that'll happen soon as Jason
needs it to make another machine he wants to use actually work. :-)
Take care,