Subject: Re: I'm having pkgsrc problems
To: Eric Zylstra <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/20/1999 13:20:24
On Tue, 20 Jul 1999, Eric Zylstra wrote:

> I have just installed pkgsrc as specified in the documentation (I 
> used method 2 for obtaining pkgsrc, sup).
> Everything in the sup download appeared to go perfectly fine.
> I decided to try installing emacs as a first attempt.  I go to 
> /usr/pkgsrc/editors/emacs, invoke make, and get:
>     "../../mk/", line 63: Could not find
>     Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue

the file "" which /usr/pkgsrc/mk/ tries to include
usually is at /usr/share/mk/

Does that file exist on your machine?

If not, the next question is why don't you have that one.  Did you install
the comp.tgz distribution set (the compiler tools)?  I'm not totally sure
that where comes from, but it seems like a good guess.  Anyway,
you need the compiler tools anyway to build packages.
