Subject: Re: Q900 info
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: Ryan Ordway <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/20/1999 07:46:10
At 12:04 AM -0700 7/20/99, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
>On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, Ryan Ordway wrote:
>> Then it prints the copyright and dies somewhere before the kernel
>> version is displayed. So it appears to be somewhere in the UVM code? What
>> has changed in the UVM code between 06061999 and -current? Because the 1.3C
>> GENERIC kernel that I have boots just fine on the Q900.
>That sounds just like a bug in the suppable 1.4.1 release (pr7895).
>Look in locore.s for a misplaced rts--m68881_restore() has two;
>delay() has none.
I see only one in each. Has this been fixed? I just re-subscribed
to current-users last night and haven't re-subscribed to the source changes
list since I've had no reason to track -currrent until recently. I'll try
digging through the PR's though...
HELO... my name is rewt... you have SIGKILLed my father... prepare to vi!