Subject: Re: mail
To: port-mac68k <>
From: Christopher Brown <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/16/1999 10:58:49
Guy Santiglia wrote:
>  I have sendmail running on my machine and it works well when
> i'm using it from the BSD machine.  But when I try from a
> remote PC using outlook express I get errors.  And it
> won't retrieve my mail.  Do I have to set up some other "stuff"
> on my netbsd machine to retrieve mail using outlook express
> or something similar?
>   It only responds to telnet on port 25, not on port 143, or 110
> for imap and pop3.

I would recommend installing /usr/pkgsrc/mail/imap-uw . This is the imap
server from the University of Washington. It is notable because it
provides both imap and pop3 in one package. It also integrates cleanly
with netbsd, in that it uses your default username and password, and
shares your default unix mailbox (as well as any mail folders you might
have in your home directory). So it's basically plug and play.

A word of caution: if your machine is connected 24x7 (ie you have a
cable modem, or some other direct connection to the internet) I would
highly recommend using /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny to restrict
which hosts can connect to your imap server. There are several well
known bugs (in older versions of the uw imap server) that can give a
remote user access to your system. Even if you are using the latest and
greatest, stable version, people will still try. I regularly show at
least 4 or 5 refused connections a month to my imap port in the logs.
The current one in pkgsrc is probably not vulnerable, but better safe
than sorry, I say.

Chris Brown -- Macintosh networking/Web development
<> <>