Subject: Re: mail
To: None <>
From: Grant Stockly <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/15/1999 23:37:21
cucipop does a good job.  Its in the ports tree.

>On Fri, 16 Jul 1999 16:10:56 +0900 (KST), Guy Santiglia
><> wrote:
>>  I have sendmail running on my machine and it works well when
>> i'm using it from the BSD machine.  But when I try from a
>> remote PC using outlook express I get errors.  And it
>> won't retrieve my mail.  Do I have to set up some other "stuff"
>> on my netbsd machine to retrieve mail using outlook express
>> or something similar?
>You need to set up a POP3 or IMAP4 server on your NetBSD box.
>>   It only responds to telnet on port 25, not on port 143, or 110
>> for imap and pop3.
>Sendmail doesn't do those.
