Subject: Re: ||ci and PC
To: Bartosz Tomczak <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/14/1999 14:02:46
can you borrow a zip drive from someone? If not, you could try hooking a
serial cable from the mac serial port to the pc serial port and use a
terminal program on each end to transfer the stuff. Its a bit slow, but
it'll work. In fact my first NetBSD install on my IIci came after
downloading the entire NetBSD-1.1 distribution via 2400 baud modem! Now
that was slow...
don't forget you'll need a null modem cable.
Also, I think is the newer mailing list.
On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Bartosz Tomczak wrote:
> i would like to run BSD on my Mac ||ci but need some help
> my only conection to internet is via PC and i dont have CDROM or any network card for my mac
> any ideas ??
> any links ?? (for newbie like me :)
> thx
> Bartek