Subject: IP-NAT
To: None <>
From: Keith Fischer <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/12/1999 13:53:56
Why would I run named or gatd? Isn't my ISP taking care of that? So I
just tell my client computers that the DNS address is the real cable modem
ISP address and the NetBSD forwards the packet to the modem since it isn''t
destined for a 10.0.2.x LAN computer. Is that a bad idea?
At 10:12 AM 7/12/99 -0700, you wrote:
>On Mon, 12 Jul 1999, Keith Fischer wrote:
>> Anyone else have ip-nat running on a cable modem? Just curious as to
>> what ttype of speed I should be expecting. Right now I can get a Win95
>> client to connect to a web site but it takes forever and a day to load a
>> page. I can't tell if it is the Win client config or the Quadra 700
>> NetBSD 1.4 bogging down. Seems like packets just take their sweet time
>> to get over to the Win95 side.
>Sounds like a DNS problem, if I had to guess. Are you running named on
>the gateway? Also, gated or routed would be a good idea. Beyond that, no
>ideas. I've only used IP-NAT a few times, and that was two PPP links, but
>when I did, it was fairly comparable to having the NATted machine directly
>on the modem. YMMV.
>> lookup bind file
>I'd strongly sugget reversing that to look up via files first, unless your
>local network nameserver actually has all the local DNS stuff _and_
>caching for the rest of the world. Even then, files should be given
>higher priority than bind so that they can be used to put in hosts that
>aren't in the nameserver or whose DNS entries are wrong or... just
>Beyond that, no idea.
Keith C. Fischer
Systems Administrator