Subject: Re: Serial speed.
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/11/1999 12:28:24
> I tried
> to set the default speed for the modem port to 230400 in the booter but
> I still got this when I booted:
> zsc0 at obio0 chip type 0 
> zsc0 channel 0: d_speed   9600 DCD clk 0 CTS clk 0
> zstty0 at zsc0 channel 0
> zsc0 channel 1: d_speed   9600 DCD clk 0 CTS clk 0
> zstty1 at zsc0 channel 1 (console)
> Does the booter not like anything faster than 57600?

	There is no restriction (except the size of an int) in the
serial port speeds in the Booter. If you turn off "No env dumps" in
the Startup options, the booter will output:

Env: "SERIAL_MODEM_DSPEED" set to 230400 (0x38400)
Env: "SERIAL_PRINT_DSPEED" set to 230400 (0x38400)

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