Subject: Re: dynip client works with netBSD 1.4
To: Tallinu <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/10/1999 22:02:01
	Have you contacted to let them know it
	works under NetBSD? :)

	Also - if you're feeling adventurous (or if anyone else is :),
	why not try submitting a pkgsrc package for dynip?


          -=-  "Give me one last video, just dressed in black"  -=-

On Sat, 10 Jul 1999, Tallinu wrote:

> I went to the dynip website at and downloaded
> the freeBSD .tar.gz version of their program that allows you
> by using a client program to have static name that points
> to your computer. In my case, its
> Its free to test for 30days, and seems to be working fine, I've also
> changed my name in /etc/myname to my newname with no bad effects
> yet, and mail seems to work great. I tested the "pointer" with
> telnet, and it seems to work fine there.
> The build works fine, though you will have to use an other than 
> defualt location for the man pages. Though they are available
> on the web site as well for unix versions.
> The seems to be a rather inexspensive cure to have a doman name.
> - JCS