Subject: wu-ftpd 2.5.0
To: NetBSD Mailing List <>
From: Joe Laffey <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/09/1999 21:12:15
I had some problem with wu-ftpd 2.5.0 that I compiled myself. There was a
bug that caused a segfault whenever someone tried to log in as a user that
was not in /etc/passwd. I located the bug (trying to access a member of a
NULL struct) and added the appropriate check for this condition.

Here's the diff:

diff ftpd.c.OLD ftpd.c
<        if (skey_haskey(pw->pw_name) == 0 &&
>        if (pw != NULL && skey_haskey(pw->pw_name) == 0 &&   /* 1999-7-9
Added check for NULL pw - */

Joe Laffey
LAFFEY Computer Imaging
St. Louis, MO
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