Subject: Re: pkgsrc -- cool!
To: NetBSD (port-68kMac) Mailing list <>
From: Christopher P. Gill <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/09/1999 13:26:45
On Fri, 9 Jul 1999, Allen Briggs wrote:
> Does anyone have any mounting brackets for drives for a Q950?
I've found that some judiciously applied slabs of styrofoam, properly
shaped, can act as a highly effective temporary solution for mounting
drives in the tower and mini-tower cases :-)
Of course, I wouldn't mind a *real* Quadra 800 / PowerMac 8500 mounting
bracket, if someone has one they will part with.
"Don't die wondering..."
chris out- Christopher P. Gill
peace. C.L.D.C. Senior System Operator (Ret.)