Subject: Re: newfs gotcha, was can a partition be expanded?
To: None <>
From: John Valdes <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/08/1999 01:02:59
Bill Studenmund writes:

> Be careful with newfs. To make a filesystem the installer and booter can
> deal with, you need to use the -O option (which makes an older
> filesystem). Otherwise the installer will go bonkers & probably destroy
> your partition. :-)

Out of curiosity, what, if any, are the (user-visible) differences
between the 4.3BSD ffs (newfs -O) and the 4.4BSD ffs?  Eg, maximum
file/filesystem size, better performance, etc.

Also, other than with partitions used with Mkfs/Install/Booter, are
there any problems using the log filesystem (LFS) on NetBSD/mac68k?
