Subject: Packagee/make problem details
To: None <>
From: Geoffrey Buhl <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/06/1999 10:48:59
	The directory (according to pwd) that I am doing this in is 
/usr/pkgsrc/sysutils/hfsutils which does have a Makefile in it.  The 
problem is not restticted to this directory, as I have tried to make 
other packages as well with the same result.  I read a little bit about a 
mk.conf file in the /etc directory.  I don't have one. Could this be 


On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, Steve Revilak wrote:

> /	I'm fairly new to all this Unix stuff so please bear with me.  I 
> /have instaled NetBSD on my SE/30.  I have untarred the pkgsrc file into 
> /it's proper home.  I am trying to add packages to my system.  I 
> /cd into the directory of a package I want to add.  I type make.  Make 
> /returns "make: no target to make".  BTW I'm usint netBSD 1.3.3.  What's 
> /going wrong?
> Is there a file called "makefile" in the current directory?