Subject: inodes, newfs and Mkfs
To: None <>
From: Christopher P. Gill <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/02/1999 15:34:50
Greetings, all.
Before I try out NetBSD/mac68k's version of newfs for the first time, I'd
like to know if there are any issues that I should be aware of relating to
operating quirks and/or differences compared to Mkfs.
Basically, I'm out of inodes on the partition that I was partially fnished
moving /usr/pkgsrc to, and I want to double the number of inodes using
newfs and try again. However, seeing how I've been made aware of
weirdness in df, and I've heard something about the disk label (used by
newfs) not being properly written or read, I'd like to know of any
'gotchas' so that I don't inadvertently torpedo that partition - or the
whole drive.
Is the default of 4096 bytes/inode in newfs also used by Mkfs? In that
case, I could simply use:
newfs -i 2048 /dev/sd1h
Now since disklabel reports:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg]
h: 160826 905076 4.2BSD 0 0 0 # (Cyl.1909*-2248*)
for that partition, I figure that 160826 512-byte blocks is equivalent to
about 20103 of the 4096-byte blocks, so when df -i /sdev/sd1h reports:
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused
Mounted on
/dev/sd1h 514351 479111 -16196 103% 19454 0 100%
I figure that the counts are close enough (assuming I can trust inode
counts in df).
Any advice?
"Don't die wondering..."
chris out- Christopher P. Gill
peace. C.L.D.C. Senior System Operator (Ret.)