Subject: Do NetBSD/mac68k Developers need NIC's?
To: NetBSD List <>
From: Sean J. Schluntz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/30/1999 12:59:28
I have a few here in the office that I can pass along to people if they 
need them.

This appears to be what I have:

2x LC/Preforma 475 UTP (SSI  PDS A1)
1x Nubus UTP, AUI (SSI Nubus A1)
3x Nubus Apple-AUI? (Apple EtherNet NB Card w/Sonic Chip)
1x Nubus UTP, AUI, TN (Asante MC3NB ST-NIC-V)
1x Nubus AUI, TN (Unnamed SSI card w/S9106AEC4 chip)
2x ST UTP, AUI, Coax (SSI ST-NIC w/S9342AN chip)
2x ST UTP, AUI, Coax (SSI MX w/MX98902QC)

Drop me private eMail if you are in need of any of these.


Sean J. Schluntz                 
Sr. Office Systems Administrator                  408-434-5804
Atari Games Corporation        

Mountain Dew and doughnuts...because breakfast is the most 
important meal of the day. - ???