Subject: RE: can a partition be expanded?
To: Fischer, Roger <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/25/1999 21:28:13
On Fri, 25 Jun 1999, Fischer, Roger wrote:

> Would it hurt to temporarily copy the "tar" and "gzip" to the /bin 
> directory?  Any other programs that I'd need?  Do I need to mount
> the tape drive or just copy to that device?  Is there a good readme
> on tape drives?  I haven't used one with unix before
> something like:     tar -czvf (tape-device) /usr

How about "dump"? If it's your only tape drive, just insert a tape and

	dump -0uB 4096000 /usr	# wait!
	eject tape              # to rewind

You should verify the tapes the first time, and occasionally
thereafter with

	cd /tmp
	restore -i

Pick a few random files, including some that you believe to be near
the end of the tape, and then compare them with the originals.

To restore an entire filesystem, it's something like

	newfs /dev/rsdNx
	fsck /dev/rsdNx
	mount /dev/sdNx /mnt
	cd /mnt; restore -r

Don't forget to update your fstab.