Subject: Simms for IIcx
From: Steve Revilak <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/19/1999 01:22:13
Pedro G. Gonnet writes:
Subject: simms for iicx
\/ what type of simms work with a iicx? according to the manual they're
\/ just normal 30-pin things, but i have my doubts...
/ i can either buy 16 megs of normal simms for SFr 100.- or the kingston
/ 16mb memory kit for SFr 250.-... where is the difference? if i order the
/ normal simms, what are the chances they will fit and work?
For a IIcx, 30-pin simms (120 ms or faster, I believe) -- apple's
tech-info library should have a something if you're really concerned
about checking -- look in the archive section.
Being is the US and not knowing the conversion factor for SFr.. well
that does seem like quite a difference -- it may be one for the sales
When buying memory for any given machine, I've always read the manual
for requirements and bought whatever was cheapest. (pick up a computer
magazine and look through the classifieds. MacWorld comes to mind as a
favorite). Often, differences in price like the one you cite are
factors of 1) Name brands, or 2) dealers asking whatever price they think
the market will bear.
Good luck!
Steve Revilak