Subject: setting up an ftp server
To: port-mac68k <>
From: Guy Santiglia <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/10/1999 00:06:44
I'm trying to follow a howto in from the Daemon news section
of the homepage.  I'm having problems with the first
step. :(

When I type "ftp localhost" I get this:

fredfl2: /home/fredfl2 # ftp localhost
ftp: connect: Can't assign requested address

The howto says I should get a ftp login screen instead. ( which does sound more
reasonable to me).  What have I messed up on my system this time?  Why might
I be getting this error message instead of the login screen.



Guy Santiglia  Quadra 610, 50 MHZ, NetBSD 1.4!
South Korea