Subject: Re: decent graphics on a quadra 700?
To: Adrian Rollett <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/09/1999 14:49:24
Adrian Rollett wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> It's been a while since I last ran bsd/mac68k, so please bear with
> my questions... I have a Quadra 700 that I'd like to run BSD on, but in
> order for me to consider it usable, I have to have decent graphics - at
> least 1024x768, 8-bit color, preferably 16-bit. I saw on the apple site
> that one can upgrade the VRAM in a 700 to 2MB, but it apparently only
> supports 640x480,832x640, and 1152x780 - and will only do 8-bit at 1152.
> Here's my questions - will netbsd currently support internal video @8-bit
> color? cause if so, i would be happy to run at 1152 - otherwise, do I need
> to get a card, and where can I even get a nubus graphics card for a decent
> (100 or less...) price?
i'm pretty sure we don't have any support for 8-bit onboard video on any
machine at the moment. the color X server also doesn't support 24-bit
color. unfortunately, the Q700 onboard video only supports 8-bit and
24-bit color, not 16-bit, so you're out of luck on internal video until
someone either adds 24-bit support to the color X server (which probably
isn't that hard, i've been meaning to try for some time, but i need more
VRAM in my Q700 before it do it) or until someone writes the necessary
8-bit color support for the onboard video (hint! hint!).
as for getting a nubus ethernet card, make sure that you take a look at
the slotman webpage to find which cards are likely to be supported before
looking, unless you get a 16-bit card (do they even make them?) which
might work just fine by itself with the current color X server. oh, the
page is:
i think. as for finding cheap video cards, eBay seems to be the way to
go. take a look at in the mac section, and you can probably
find just about anything you want.
good luck!