Subject: Re: FYI: MacPoint Pro 3 button mouse works
To: None <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/05/1999 14:37:43
John Valdes wrote:
> For those keeping score, the Mouse Systems MacPoint Pro 3 button mouse
> works fine under NetBSD (both 1.3 and 1.4). It's identified as an A3
> mouse:
> ms0 at adb0 addr 3: Mouse Systems A3 mouse, 3-button, 300 dpi
> but otherwise works w/o a problem.
since my A3 mouse is now dead, i can't test it anymore to see if i can
find a difference. it's conceivable that there might be some kind of
identification in R1 or R2 that would distinguish between the two mice.
i'm glad it works for you, tho. it took me several days playing with
ADBProbe to figure out how the silly thing worked ;-)
> Don't know offhand if it supports
> extended mouse protocol. It does have three internal jumpers; don't
> know what function they serve...
i doubt it. you can try setting the handler ID to 4 under MacOS and see
if it accepts it, but i do kinda doubt it. if you want to bump the
resolution, tho, you can change the handler id to like 5 or 6...
btw, i was somewhat off on my previous answer for disabling the emulation
key. what you really need to do is change the line in aed.c that looks
like this:
static int aed_options = 0 | AED_MSEMUL;
to look like this instead:
static int aed_options = 0;
the AED_MSEMUL define needs to remain what it is. it basically specifies
which bit in the flags field is the emulation bit. since the variable
should probably be patchable, i think it really needs to be:
int aed_options = 0;
although i can't remember for sure.