Subject: Re: option key as alt under X?
To: None <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/05/1999 14:27:09
Frederick Bruckman wrote:
> On Sat, 5 Jun 1999, John Valdes wrote:
> > I have a 3 button mouse on my Mac and so no longer need the
> > option-{left,right}-arrow mouse button emulation.  Is there anyway to
> > reclaim use of the option key as say an Alt key under X?  Can this be
> > currently controlled by the X server (the Xmac68k manpage mentions
> > a '-optionmouse' option for enabling mouse button emulation, but not
> > an option to disable)?
> I'm now using a kernel with "options ALTXBUTTONS" commented out, now
> that I have Kensington 4-button mouse. (The 4th button is useless, as
> far as I can tell.) I don't actually use the Alt key for anything.

all that does is turn off the option-{1,2,3} extra emulation (since on
standard keyboards the option key is across the keyboard from the arrow
keys :-)

you actually need to set the flag to 0x0 to disable emulation entirely.

