Subject: Installation problems: unexpected phase change and permission den
To: '' <>
From: Neumann, Matthew C <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/04/1999 06:47:53
Hi all; sorry if these is a FAQ, but I couldn't find any relevant info in
the archives or docs.
I just installed NetBSD 1.3.3 on an LCII. The installation went incredibly
smoothly; I've only got an 80 MB HD, so I've got 10 MB of MacOS, 10 MB of
swap (10 MB of RAM, too), and 60 MB netBSD partition (setup as /usr and
/root on same partition).
Once I've booted, I get error messages like this repeatedly:
scsi_show: scsi_main not running
REQ-ISSUED- 0 0x6eb8000[8192] cmd[0]=a
REQ-CONNECTED - 0 0x6eb8000[8192] cmd[0]=a S=0 M=ff R=0 resid=8192 dr_flag=1
Bus signals (7c/00): I/OlC/DlMSG/REQlBSY
Dma status(30):IRQIEPAR
phase =0, busy: 1, spl: 2204
0 scsi_main4
1 scsi_main5
then it prints out another 20 or so lines, ending with:
21 end drq
22 irq
23 pdma_ready0
24 pdma_ready1
unexpected phase change
These will scroll five or ten times, although sometimes they'll only go once
or twice.
I could send a halt command the first time I booted.
The second time I booted in, in addition to the phase change messages, I got
a message to run fsck_ffs on /dev/rsd0a (that's my netBSD partition); I ran
it like the install docs suggested, saying "y" to everything. When that was
done, I could no longer halt (it caused a core dump).
Finally, I tried to shutdown, but I got "permission denied". Why does
/sbin/shutdown show up as b--S--S---- on an ls -l?
Whew. Anybody seen problems like this before? Should I try to install
-Matt Neumann