Subject: Re: Dyna Board Ethernet Probs
To: Simon Waite <>
From: Christopher P. Gill <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/03/1999 13:22:31
On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Simon Waite wrote:
> I've got a Dynaport E/II nubus card in my Mac IIci which works find with
> MacOS 7.5
> I belive its a 8390 based card (Because there is a big chip marked DP8390DN
> :)
> The 1.4 Kernel recognises this correctly as ae0, and prints its ethernet MAC
> address
OK, I just, ah, acquired one of these that I used to use a long time ago.
> Unfortunatly any attempt at upping the interface halts the kernal.
> I had a similar problem when I attempted Linux; though this was more
> fustrating, first
> it WOULDNT work then I stuck the onboard monitor into 1bpp as suggested by
> *your* FAQ,
> and then it worked fine, for about a complete day of uptime, and then halted
> and refused
> to work again.
I haven't attempted to up the interface on mine. I've already got
on-board ethernet working, and this extra NIC is for my gateway/IP-NAT
setup. On this type of card, the multi-DIP switch on the circuit board
needs to be positioned to use either the twisted-pair connection or the
thick transceiver connection. However, no amount of trying now or years
ago ever got the twisted-pair connection working on the cards that I used,
and so I'm waiting on a transceiver. That's the only way I ever got one
> To further help identification it is marked:
> P/N 9800102-00 REV:E
> S/N H 20920272
> and also
> s/n 03081F
OK, card and machine at home, so I can't gt that information now, but my
dmesg.boot file reads:
ae0 at nubus0 slot d: EtherPort IIN, 16KB memory
ae0: Ethernet address <yadda yadda yada>
> I have tryed all the kernels in the mac 68K arch dir, as well as the colour
> based kernels
> all behave in the same way (well the ones that boot that is)
> I have tryed the card in all three Nubus slots with no change in results.
> The command I use to up the interface is:
> ifconfig ae0 inet netmask
Well, I plan to get mine working under MacOS first before I play around
with it under NetBSD. I'm not sure what will happen if I try to ifconfig
when I know that that card isn't cabled up and possibly set to the
non-functional connection. I could try it from here, but given your
experience I'd rather wait 'till I get home in case it goes awry. Doing
an ifconfig on an interface not in use will initialize it, I think.
Perhaps this is what is smoking your kernel - your card might be confusing
the kernel with its init routines or something.
BTW, did you really mean to use
> Also I have found if MacBSD Crashes, MacOS refuses to mount any HFS
> partitions on that drive.
> Its partitioned as
> 400Mb AU/X Root&Usr
> 30Mb AU/X Swap
> 30Mb MacOS/HFS
> I planned to have the MacBSD Booter on the HFS partition in case I moved the
> Hard Disk to
> another Mac. Luckily Its on an external drive as the only way I have found
> to reset a
> partition table on a mac is to boot linux, and zero out the first few K with
> 'dd'
> That said, I've made my mine up to stick with Mac NetBSD and I hope you can
> help me
> get it on my network!
Well, I'm no guru, but I'll check out my hardware rev. later and compare
with yours.
Good Luck - or rather, Grace and Skill.
"Don't die wondering..."
chris out- Christopher P. Gill
peace. C.L.D.C. Senior System Operator (Ret.)