Subject: Re: kernel postmortem?
To: None <>
From: John Valdes <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/27/1999 22:59:00
Frederick Bruckman writes:

> But you're not running perl compiled for 1.3, are you?

Yes, this is a copy of perl 5 which I compiled under 1.3.  I saved my
1.3 install under /oldroot, so my 1.3 shared libraries are still
available under /oldroot/usr/lib.  If I invoke perl under 1.4 using:

  prompt> env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/oldroot/usr/lib \
          perl -e 'print "Hello, World!\n"'

it works fine.  If I invoke it directly, so that the runtime linker
uses the 1.4 libs in /usr/lib, then perl core dumps.

> The solution to
> that problem is to recompile perl.

Well, yeah, :) it's just that when running perl w/ the 1.4 libs under
my DayStar patched kernel, rather than core dumping, it panics the
kernel; a no-no for a userland program.  I could recompile perl so
that it runs fine w/ 1.4, but there'd still be some instability hiding
there in the kernel somewhere... :)

Upon further testing, it seems the act of dumping core isn't what's
panicking my kernel.  If I simply run "sleep 5" and terminate it with
^\, a core dump of sleep is produced w/o any problem.  It must be
related to the fact that perl was compiled under 1.3 (then again,
sleep doesn't really do much of anything, so maybe that's not a good
enough test).



John Valdes                        Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics                               University of Chicago