Subject: Re: Can't install any package
To: None <>
From: Christoph Badura <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/26/1999 20:13:29 (D. Gassen) writes:

>But I still have this problem. I did "make clean" and after that "make"
>in the directory "/usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkg_install/". That did compile
>the complete package. But "make install" did not do anything.

That sounds like the symptoms you get when your /usr/share/mk/
is really old.  If you are running 1.3.x and isn't from the
1.3.3 release you would get such failure.   Update to the 1.3.2

Christoph Badura

	Anything that can be done in O(N) can be done in O(N^2).
	-- Ralf Schuettau (after looking at a particular piece of code)