Subject: Re: ZTerm
To: None <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/25/1999 16:35:05
On Tue, 25 May 1999 09:21:14 +0200, wrote:
> Is it at all possible to send files to a NetBSD box from a ZTerm serial
> console? I run NetBSD on a IIci, but I found that the internal video is not
> terribly brilliant using the cmd line. When editing a command, the screen
> isn't refreshed, and so I run the II as a monitorless, keyboardless box that
> I connect to using an LC475 next door. It would be very useful to have some
> way of transferring files from the 475 to the II using the serial
> connection. Is this at all possible?

lrzsz from pkgsrc (or precompiled binary package).

> On a completely different note, and just out of interest, the 475 I have has
> a 'broken' LC040, and so when it 'runs' NetBSD, it segfaults often. Both
> 'ls -l' and ' perl -e " print 'Hello' " ' segfault it. If such segfaults are
> in response to FPU calls, then why on earth do these commands make FPU
> calls? My programming experience is very limited, but I can't imagine why
> either command requires a floating point calculation.

Printf() *may* do floating point computation so it saves FP registers
onto the stack when entering, and restores them when exiting.  And
those operations are FPU instructions rather than integer ones.  As
you might imagine, printf() is probably one of the most common
standard C library functions, so nearly every program contains at
least two kinds of FPU instructions.
