Subject: Re: Localtalk ??
To: Niels S. Eliasen <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/12/1999 11:17:23
On Wed, 12 May 1999, Niels S. Eliasen wrote:

> Hello
> This might seem like a dumb qustion, but have to ask it nonethelesss...
> I would like to use my old Duo 270C as well for NetBSD(I know there are
> some problems with the screen, but that is ok! the LCD screen is cracked
> anyhow!) but using the Duo poses a problem with connecting it to
> Ethernet....
> With MacOS it works fine using the Newertech Etherdock, but I doubt there
> is a Etherdock driver for NetBSD(?!), but how about using the printer port ?

Who knows about the doc. ?? It's something we'd like to support, but
don't. Depending on the chip, it might not be too hard to support.

> Is there any way at all getting Appletalk to work over a serial interface ?

Not at present. It's something I'd like to add, but haven't had a chance
to yet.

Take care,
