Subject: Re: Serial Clock
To: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
From: Ulrich Hausmann <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/22/1999 23:09:43

thank you very much for jumping in. I think, at least I hope, I got
something . . .:))

Best regards, Ulrich

On 21:41 Uhr +0200 22.04.1999, Hauke Fath wrote:

> At 16:41 Uhr +0200 22.04.1999, Ulrich Hausmann wrote:
> >Bill,
> >
> >isn't AppleTalk since the very first beginning at 230.400 bps? I think
> >even a MacPlus ser port supported that speed. OTOH, as far as I know
> >the ser port speed went down, if running at the same time networking
> >and ser port connecting activities.
> OK, I'm not Bill, but since I am currently into those issues...