Subject: Re: Serial Clock
To: None <>
From: Grant Stockly <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/20/1999 16:15:05
>Why did "" show up as the "to" address in a message to

I run both systems and will use the one that can support rate

>I'm going to assume you're running NetBSD, not OpenBSD, as that's what I'm
>familiar with.

>> I hear this is possible by supplying an external clock (there is a little
>> box where I can enter in the frequency [in the booter]).
>> Does anyone have any information on how I'd go about using the serial port
>> at this speed?  What type of clock to give the serial port?
>You need to give a clock signal at 2.048 MHz. While a clock at 128 kHz
>would work, that clock would have to be synchronized with your datastream,
>which would be a pain.

So I would just send a 128kHz clock to the computer and on the falling edge
the computer would send a bit?  Which clock input do I use for the 128kHz
input?  HSKi or GPi?  I'd rather use a clock sync'd to the data output
since this is for a streaming application.

>The clock needs to be a valid RS-422 signal - +/- 5V should be fine.
>> If you could, please send me any info.
>> HSKi and GPi are valid clock inputs?
>Though to be honest, I think you'll be very unhappy with the results.
>It'll work fine for transmitting data, but you stand a GREAT chance of
>having overruns on receive. Or the machine will be unusable while

Thats not a problem.  As long as I can select the bit rate outside the
computer, and acheive 128-130kHz transmission, it will work fine.

>What exactly are you wanting to do?

I am programming hardware to operate outside the computer which could
handle giving the computer its own clock.  If I can set the bitrate
external from the computer, how do I tell NetBSD to use that odd bitrate?

Are there any BSD sources that deal with external clocks?


(Btw, the computer doesn't have to be usable while transmitting.  Can I
have an external clock in a regualr MacOS program too?)