Subject: NetBsd on syquest
To: port-mac68k mailing list <>
From: Steve Revilak <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/14/1999 11:33:42 (Masaya SATO) writes:

>Everything had seemed to be going well until I booted for the second time.
>>After a while I rebooted, the SyQuest drive suddenly started accessing
>itself >and the OS got stuck with the message "bad block" and lots of HEX
>The INSTALLATION NOTES says "If you are installing onto removable media,
>>Please see the FAQ". However I couldn't find the exact one, so I took the
>>defaults while I was running the Mkfs. Does that have something to do
>with my >problem? Would anyone please h

My first attempt at an install (back with 1.3) involved a syquest drive (EZ
drive).  My errors were different from yours -- "esp0 .... ", but the
nutshell synopsis is that the drive would basically trash itself on a
continuous basis.  After a few days, there would be enough gone that I'd
have to reinstall the system.

Others have had similar problems (similar to mine, not the one you
describe).  Unless I've missed something, there is still some aspect of
removable media that doesn't agree that well with NetBSD's SCSI driver.

Perhaps others may shed better light on your problem specifically.  IMHO,
you'll be better off installing to a regual (eg -- non-removable) hard

Good luck.

Steve Revilak