Subject: NAT not passing all characters?
To: '' <>
From: Fischer, Roger <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/06/1999 19:31:01
I'm running NAT on my Centris610/NetBSD 1.3.3 box, tied into
an ethernet network with my G3 running MacOS 8.5
Recently I seem to be having some problems where NetBSD won't
pass data from my G3 onto the Net.
Sometimes I'll que up 5 or 6 messages using Eudora, and go to
send them. The first 3 will go, and the fourth just sits there.
I'll hit cancel, and hit send again, but that message won't go.
If I kill NetBSD/PPP and then dial into my ISP from the G3 using
FreePPP, the messages sail right on through.
Additionally, my wife was browing the web recently. Most pages
were loading fine. One page had links that she'd click on, and
nothing would happen. Other pages were fine. We tried typing
in the url and it wouldn't load the page.
I hung up the NetBSD ppp linke and dialed in using FreePPP from
MacOS, and those pages loaded fine.
Should I be "escaping" some characters or something? If so,
what range of characters. On the other hand, I don't remember
having this problem before. It's been a while since I used my
MacBSD box as a gateway.
Roger G. Fischer PanAmSat Corp.